Wealth of Knowledge
Set up your employees for success.
401(k) Education
The buzz phrase in the retirement industry today is ‘Retirement Readiness’. In our information technology age, you would think everyone could find more than enough information to prepare for and be ready for retirement. I think the problem is partly information overload and people don’t know what to trust. Therefore, we will provide an unbiased and independent 401(k) Education session(s) for your employees using your plan’s education materials and ours. This seminar will cover basics of the 401k provisions specific to that employer’s plan as well as education on investment basics and strategies. We are not licensed investment advisors so we cannot give advice but simple education so your employees can make informed decisions or know what questions to ask. The biggest advantage is that we do not sell any products and we are independently owned so there is no bias towards anything. How often do you hear that? Almost never!! This is simply straight forward education and communication.
Contact us today to to set up a 401(k) Education Session today.